The Subtle Kundalini Energy

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Luckily everything we need to heal and balance ourselves, as well as go higher in our awareness, is already inbuilt within us in the form of a nurturing, mothering energy known as kundalini. Similar to having a seed ready to sprout in the sacrum bone at the base of our spine, “kundalini” […]

Frequently Asked Questions

  [wpcol_3quarter id=”” class=”” style=””]What is Sahaja Yoga meditation? It’s a technique for achieving balance, joy and a higher awareness in one’s life through meditation. Fundamental to this practice is the experience of “self realisation”. While many techniques and yogas have promised this, few have actually given it, especially for free. Self realisation enables a […]

What is Self Realisation?

When we think of “self realisation”  it’s easy to imagine it to mean the achievement of our highest dreams, or perhaps a deeper awareness of ourselves. And even though we do strive for these things, our results are usually limited by what we, as humans, can achieve. So to get beyond, something extra has to happen. This […]

Raising the energy and balancing with bandhan

These two simple exercises help us get into the state of meditation more quickly and they are done one after the other, first raising the energy, then the bandhan. It’s helpful to do this both before and after your meditation. Before helps you balance more quickly and bring the energy up, afterwards to help you […]

The Subtle System

[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]This subtle system is a representation of how the subtle energies flow through the nervous system in our bodies. Through meditation we become more aware of the subtle side of ourselves, and how achieving balance connects us to ourselves on a more subtle level. Understanding your subtle system will help you understand why […]

3 Channels

The Subtle System in our body has three main channels, the left channel (of desire and emotion – blue), the right channel (of action and thinking – yellow) and the central channel, the channel of our balance and evolution. There is also, at the base of the spine in our sacrum bone, the subtle kundalini energy.