Teenage Testimonials

meditating cartoonSahaja Meditation, In partnership with Health Corp’s curriculum for building mental resilence in young people, is being taught in high schools. Here is what some young learners had to say:

“I’ve just entered a whole new world. I feel like a different person.”

“I felt energy moving around in my brain. I felt like I was all alone. It felt good.”

“My meditation experience was great. Everyone acts in a respectful manner, including myself. It felt relieving and calm. It helps my mind to get prepared for class.”

“It helps me get my thoughts straight. Also, helps stop my class from being so loud.” 

“I was completely exhausted before and now I feel fine. Everything is brighter all around me.”

“I meditate at home every day.  This meditation helps me more than anger management ever did. They taught me to breathe deep. It’s impossible to argue when you are taking deep breaths. When I meditate, as soon as I take those three breaths you tell us to do, then meditate, I don’t feel like arguing with anybody!”

“I kept smiling because I felt happy. I felt loved inside.”