

Meditation is not something we can ‘do’ but a state where the mind is quiet but still aware. Normally our thoughts are either about the past or the future but in meditation these become less and what is left is just pure awareness of the present.

‘When a man knows the solitude of silence, and feels the joy of quietness, he is then free’    Buddha

Try and look at something without thinking, just observe, can you do it?  Meditation helps us be more able to witness things without reacting, to be aware but neutral, just watching. Meditation heightens our ability to look at simple things, a tree, a bird, and feel the joy like children do.

The word Sahaja means spontaneous, and Sahaja meditation taps us into a natural and spontaneous process for achieving a higher state of awareness. Imagine how a seed sprouts or a tree grows, it happens spontaneously, we can nurture it but it can’t be forced. The state of meditation is the same, it must be effortless, and by allowing it to happen it works. Relaxing our efforts and just letting ourselves experience the joy of being alive is the challenge, for most of us anyway. For more see:

What is Meditation?

Stop Thinking ~ Techniques

Guided Meditations

The Affirmations

Music for Meditation

Calming Waves Meditation

Feeling More Balanced? Track Your Progress